Do Little Things For Good Google Rankings

One of the best types of traffic to get is search engine traffic from the organic search results. It’s free and you’re getting a qualified visitor searching for the content that’s on your site. So …

Top 5 Tips From An Entrepreneur

Here are some tips that every web entrepreneur should follow. Believe it. Have a strong self confidence and believe in yourself. Nothing is impossible. Always keep changing. You’re never too old or experienced to learn …

How To Increase Your Feed Subscribers

Having a lot of feed subscribers is important because it alters the price you can ask from your advertisers. It’s also important because subscribers are most likely going to be the ones who come back …

Delegate Repetitive Tasks To Others

When you run a business, your job is not to micromanage or do everything on your own. At the beginning, yes you are the one who finances the company, creates the products and sells them. …

5 Traits Of Successful People

Here are the five personality traits of self motivated and highly successful web entrepreneurs.. Focused. They have a goal in mind and they strive to reach it. Not easily distracted. Persistent. They are not quitters. …

Adapt Or Die, Netflix vs. Blockbuster

Adapt or die. This holds true for living things on Earth and applies to businesses as well. We see no greater example of this than with Netflix and Blockbuster. For years Blockbuster dominated the video …